National Research MML-TGI®
New data from Q1 and Q2 of 2016
At the end of August, Median SK introduced the newest media results for the press, radio and television for the 2st quarter of 2016. The data are a part of the extensive National Research MML-TGI®,, which apart from media consumption, monitors lifestyle and consumer behaviour in more than 200 categories of goods and services used by the Slovak population. A group of 8000 respondents participate annualy.
National Research MML-TGI®
New data from Q4 of 2015 and Q1 of 2016
At the end of May, Median SK introduced the newest media results for the press, radio and television for the 1st quarter of 2016. The data are a part of the extensive National Research MML-TGI®,, which apart from media consumption, monitors lifestyle and consumer behaviour in more than 200 categories of goods and services used by the Slovak population. A group of 8000 respondents participate annualy.

Motivation of Slovakian voters – research in the 2016 Slovakian National Council election days
When and according to what did the voters decide who to vote for in the March elections into the National Council? Where did the SMER voters dissapear to? What is behind the advancement of SAS? What were the strong points of Kotleba’s LSNS – were they really only about immigration? How did the voters evaluate the leaders of individual parties and their competencies to address issues burdening Slovakia? The answers to these questions can all be found in the research reports for RTVS conducted by MEDIAN SK on the pre-election Friday and election Saturday
Please follow the links in the Further Information section for political and themed ad-hoc researches
Motivácia slovenských voličov – prieskum do NR SR 2016 vo volebný deň PDF [1566KB]